Waiting For Sunset

It was almost sunset moment that offered the colourful nature scene near Cook’s Bay of Ontario.


This piece got accepted in the 2022 Artists’ Choice Exhibition

“Waiting for Sunset”, 8×12

The Artist’s Choice Exhibition is one of our most highly anticipated exhibitions by artists and collectors alike! Unencumbered by theme, medium or style restrictions, our artists often submit their favourite pieces which brings a wide variety of incredible works to the Federation Gallery. Spacious landscapes, everyday objects made art, and expressive abstracts fill the walls of our Granville Island gallery. There is something for everyone to appreciate in the 2022 Artist’s Choice Exhibitions!


This piece is accepted in the exhibition and is also featured online at:


展览时间:2022年2月8日-20日,地点:温哥华 Federation Gallery, 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B7, Canada

Exhibition dates: February 8-20, 2022

Location: Federation Gallery, 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 4B7, Canada

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